UPDATED Foobooz TV: Russet, Getting Ready For Opening Night


UPDATE: Okay, so that first video? Not our best work. But since Russet was literally opening the doors as we were finishing the video, we figured that something was better than nothing.

Now that we’ve had a couple days, we’re pleased to offer the prettied-up version of our Russet walkthrough. It’s a gorgeous space that deserves a loving look. And that charcuterie is just sexy as hell. Enjoy…

Andrew and Kristin Wood didn’t take the easy route when they picked an opening date for Russet. Their first night of service? Tonight. Valentine’s Day–one of the busiest nights in the entire food service calendar.

Still, if the charcuterie room (as seen in the video) is anything to go by, they’re ready. And this is what the tiny, gorgeous, 50-seat BYO will look like when they open the doors to the public for the first time tonight.

Russet [Official website]