Traditional and Conteporary Working Together at Opa

Craig LaBan notes that Opa adds worthy meatball and burger plates to our culinary landscape but the Sansom Street Greek restaurant and lounge shines most when it comes to its interpretation of Greek street food.

Brown gives his gyros the trendy slider touch, with cocktail-size griddled pitas all rolled up snug with white paper. But it’s the filling that made me happy – grilled-to-order strips of lamb leg marinated in the cuminy, smoked-paprika, oregano zest of a “Grecian” rub. Opa’s souvlakia, meanwhile, offer flavorful tweaks to the sampled grilled-meat skewer, the chicken strips tenderized with yogurt and olive oil, the ground-pork skewer sizzling with the sweet heat of honeyed harissa.

Two Bells – Very Good

Opa [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Opa [Official Site]