Quick Bites

Jose Garces’ Cira Centre project has a name, JG Domestic and as you might guess, it will be 100% sourced in the USA. [The insider]

The Restaurant Club has some peeks inside the Diving Horse in Avalon. [Philadelphia Magazine]

New York based chef and Philadelphia native Joey Campanaro didn’t have any details to share when we contacted him last month about going into the old Frederick’s on Front Street. But a recent check of the liquor license spurred by a Michael Klein post turned up Joseph being listed on the license along with seven other Campanaros. Joey owns the little owl and Market Table in New York. [The Insider]

Mac’s Tavern did open on Memorial Day but was now closed until today, when it reopens permanently. [The Insider]

Pure Tacos has opened in Ocean City and is serving up gluten-free Mexican seven days a week. [Grub Street]

Matt Levin is going hyper-local at Adsum. [Grub Street]

Conshohocken and West Conshohocken are doing a restaurant week of their own. It’ll run June 14th to the 20th and include Blackfish, Stella Blu and Spring Mill Cafe. [More than the Curve via The Insider]