PLCB Saga a Week Later

Cartoon by Signe Wilkinson of the Daily News

It’s been over a week since the PLCB stormed Local 44, Memphis Taproom and Resurrection Ale House confiscating what the PLCB believed to be unregistered beer. Here’s a rundown of the latest on the PLCB registered beer saga.

That registered beer list we’ve been linking to all week, well it’s kind of worthless. Joe Sixpack discovers the PLCB has a disclaimer on the site stating the list should not be used for any legal purpose. [Beer Radar]

Lew Bryson’s Why The PLCB Should Be Abolished asks the question,  “why does beer registration exist?” [Why the PLCB Should BE Abolished]

Jack Curtin asks the sobering question, will any good come of this whole debacle. [Liquid Diet]

But there might be some reason to hold out hope. Rep. Robert Donatucci is set to hold hearings on April 13th regarding the raids. [Beer Radar]