Snackbar Up To Three Bells

Craig LaBan wrote a piece for the Inquirer’s I Magazine listing restaurants where you can dine fireside. He also used the opportunity to bump up Snackbar from two to three bells.

After a few years of noodling with avant-garde small-plate preciousness, Snackbar has lowered prices into the neighborhood-friendly range and finally nailed the happy medium between innovation and accessibility – for which it earns a third bell. Rising-star chef John Taus (ex-Zahav, James, Tangerine, Bliss) has a knack for stunning updates to familiar comforts, whether it’s popcorn tossed in brown butter and fleur de sel, killer pierogies with chive cream and caviar, a croquette of crispy pig trotters and chanterelles over jalapeno grits, or a schmaltz-infused pastry round of chicken pot pie with a smear of creamy sage gravy on the side.

LaBan isn’t the only praising Snackbar, SipsBitesandSites tips us off to the delicious sounding deconstructed chicken pot pie that you have to know about to order, as it isn’t on the regular menu.

Blazing Good Eats []
Weekly Bites: Snackbar [SipsBitesandSites]
Snackbar [Official Site]

After a few years of noodling with avant-garde small-plate preciousness, Snackbar has lowered prices into the neighborhood-

friendly range and finally nailed the happy medium between innovation and accessibility – for which it earns a third bell. Rising-star chef John Taus (ex-Zahav, James, Tangerine, Bliss) has a knack for stunning updates to familiar comforts, whether it’s popcorn tossed in brown butter and fleur de sel, killer pierogies with chive cream and caviar, a croquette of crispy pig trotters and chanterelles over jalapeno grits, or a schmaltz-infused pastry round of chicken pot pie with a smear of creamy sage gravy on the side. Of course, it’s still deconstructed – but just enough to put this corner boîte (and its modern fireplace wall) back on my go-list of the city’s hottest flavors

After a few years of noodling with avant-garde small-plate preciousness, Snackbar has lowered prices into the neighborhood-

friendly range and finally nailed the happy medium between innovation and accessibility – for which it earns a third bell. Rising-star chef John Taus (ex-Zahav, James, Tangerine, Bliss) has a knack for stunning updates to familiar comforts, whether it’s popcorn tossed in brown butter and fleur de sel, killer pierogies with chive cream and caviar, a croquette of crispy pig trotters and chanterelles over jalapeno grits, or a schmaltz-infused pastry round of chicken pot pie with a smear of creamy sage gravy on the side. Of course, it’s still deconstructed – but just enough to put this corner boîte (and its modern fireplace wall) back on my go-list of the city’s hottest flavors.
