Cheesesteak Almost Takes Out WIP’s Angelo Cataldi

Dramatization – do not try at home.

Yesterday, 94 WIP morning host Angelo Cataldi was filming a Super Bowl commercial spoof that required him to spin and chomp down on a cheesesteak. When Cataldi completed the bite in the second take, things went wrong. The ringmaster of Wing Bowl couldn’t get the cheesesteak down. He ran back into the building looking for water. Howard Eskin’s son and WIP host Spike Eskin was there and once he realized Cataldi wasn’t joking about not being able to breathe, Eskin performed the heimlich maneuver 5 or 6 times until Cataldi’s breathing passage was clear.

Cataldi estimates he wasn’t breathing for about a minute.

Speaking of opportunities to choke, WIP’s Wing Bowl takes this place this Friday at the Wells Fargo Center.

Eskin Save Cataldi’s Life []
Year of the Cheesesteak [Foobooz]