Ironic Lighting Bolt Strikes Swarthmore

Swarthmore, if you haven’t been paying close attention, is embroiled in a scandal. Several former and current students at the school have accused the school of covering up rape allegations.

The students say that Swarthmore has violated federal law by failing to accurately report sexual assault cases, as well as by creating a hostile environment on campus where victims are discouraged from coming forward.

I’m a little late to this, but last week, God proved that he is an insensitive man that doesn’t understand the seriousness of these rape accusations. How did he do this? By striking the campus’s Women’s Resource Center with a lighting bolt, lighting it on fire.

Once the fire was out, it was clear the third floor, home to the WRC’s library and modest but prized collection of feminist literature, bore the brunt of the fire damage.

Of course. [Swarthmore]