Be Well Workout of the Week: Jump-Start Your 2017 Fitness Goals

This workout is all about — you guessed it — jumping.

In honor of getting a jump-start on your New Year’s resolution, it is only fitting that we make this workout all about plyos (that would basically be jumping, if you don’t know) and jumping rope. You’re going to complete 30 seconds of each exercise below, going through the entire circuit three times.

So go ahead: Pre-burn those New Year’s calories and start your year out on a healthy, hoppy foot.  You’ll thank yourself when you’ve got a slight head-start on your fitness goals come the new year.

Be Well Workout of the Week: Jump-Start Your New Year’s Resolutions

Split squat jumps
Bosu ball push-up with jump or rotating push-ups
Jump rope
Curtsy with a knee drive hop left
Curtsy with a knee drive hop right
Jump rope
Burpee with tuck jump
Plank jumping jacks
Jump rope
Forward squat jumps
Plank ski jumps
Jump rope

» Did you complete this week’s BeWOW? Tell us how you did in the comments! Or, feel free to tweet at us about it using the hashtag #BeWOW. Check out all the BeWOW workouts here.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

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