Be Well Workout of the Week: Get in and Out of the Gym in 35 Minutes 

Short on time today? Put eight minutes on the clock and get ready to move. You’ll have four exercises to get through as many times as you can in those eight minutes, then you’ll have three more eight-minute rounds. With a total of four rounds, you’ll get a full-body workout in a little over 30 minutes! Can’t beat that, can you?

Be Well Workout of the Week: Get in and Out of the Gym in 35 Minutes 

Instructions: Go through each round as many times as you can in eight minutes. 
Round 1: 8 minutes

4 pull-ups
6 burpees
8 hanging knee raises
10 lunge rows

Round 2: 8 minutes
6 chest flies on physioball
8 pullovers on physioball
10 forward-and-back planks on physioball
12 mountain climbers on each side on physioball

Round 3: 8 minutes|
8 bicep curls
10 overhead presses
12 plank rows (single count)
14 high pulls

Round 4: 8 minutes
10 skiers (on each side)
12 push-ups
14 arm haulers

Explanation of exercises: 
Click links for how-to videos.

Pull-ups: Suspend yourself on the pull-up bar with your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up, keeping your body as straight as possible, until your chest reaches the bar. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat. (If you’re struggling with pull-ups, try these alternatives instead.)

Burpee: Just like an up-down in football. Put your hands on the ground, jump your feet out behind you so you’re in push-up position, lower to the ground, bring your feet back in, and stand up.

Hanging knee raises: Hanging from pull up bar, use your abs to bring both knees up to touch (or get as close as you can) your elbows.

Lunge row: Standing with your left leg forward in a lunge and left forearm on thigh, row a weight with your right arm like you’re starting lawn mower. Switch to opposite side lunge for left arm.

Chest fly on physioball: Lie on your back on the physioball with your head and neck on the ball. Keep your hips up and squeeze your glutes. Holding free weights, extend the arms up. Keeping elbows loosely locked, drop the arms out to the sides until the hand is in line with the shoulder, then raise them back up.

Pullovers: Lie on the physioball on your back so your head and neck are supported. Holding a weight in both hands, reach the weight over your head toward the wall behind you, keeping your arms slightly bent. Drive the weight back up towards the ceiling. Be sure to keep your hips up and squeeze your glutes the entire time. Repeat.

Forward-and-back planks on physioball: In a plank position with elbows on the physioball, move your elbows forward, pushing the ball out, then move your elbows back toward your body, pulling the ball back in. That’s one.

Mountain climbers: Get in plank position. Alternating legs, bring your knee into the chest, keeping your upper body strong. Extend leg and switch.

Bicep curls: Hold dumbbells at your side with palms facing forward. Pretend your elbows are glued to your midsection and curl the weight toward your shoulders, keeping your upper arm still. Slowly return your weight to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Overhead press: Holding a pair of free weights at your shoulders with your palms facing forward, press the weights up over your head. Return the weights to your shoulders and repeat.

Plank row: In a push-up position with your hands on free weights, row one weight up and back, keeping your hips square to the floor and squeezing your shoulder blade. Lower and repeat on the other side.

High pulls: Stand with feet hip width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. (Note: You can also use a resistance band if you’re outdoors.) Tip forward at the waist then stand up, pulling the weights up to chest height at the same time. Lower the weights slowly and repeat.

Skiers: Stand in a split stance, with right foot about a foot in front of the left. Jump in place and switch legs so your left foot is in the front. Repeat the motion, pumping your arms in rhythm: left arm forward when left foot is forward, right arm forward when right foot is forward. Left and right counts as one rep.

Push-up: Start lying face down with your chest on the floor, with hands facing forward and palms down in line with your shoulders; elbows should be pointing back. Push up until arms are extended (the inside of the elbow should be facing forward) and drop back down.

Arm haulers: Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the mat and arms reaching forward. Lift your arms, chest and legs off the mat so only your abdomen is touching; keep everything lifted the entire time. As if you’re doing the breaststroke, sweep your arms out and to the sides. Bring them close to the body, then stretch them forward again. Repeat.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

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