The Checkup: Penn Researchers Uncover Why Your Fitbit Isn’t Helping You Achieve Your Goals



• If you’ve jumped on the fitness-tracker train, listen up: Researchers at Penn warn that your tracker may not actually help you achieve your health and fitness goals—here’s why. [Self]

• A doctor tracked the weight-loss progress of one of his patients for seven years, then plotted her gains and losses on a graph. What he discovered was a lot of good (and encouraging!) news for you. [Business Insider]

• Ever wonder how in the world bike commuters don’t freeze to death during the winter? Here’s how to suit up right for a two-wheeled, cold-weather ride. [Green Philly Blog]

• Runners, listen up: Here are 13 must-read running books you need to add to your Kindle right now. [Competitor]

• This is interesting: The weird, weird link between your TV-watching habits and your views on nutrition. [Yahoo Health]

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