The Checkup: Job Stress May Boost Heart Attack Risk

Hey, take a chill pill: Stress at work has been linked with heart-attack risk in a new study.

• Can stress on the job really take a toll on your heart? A new megastudy says yes. A team of European researchers examined the results of 13 previous studies involving over 200,000 people and found that those with high on-the-job stress—defined as jobs involving intense demands and little control—have a 23 percent higher risk for heart attack than those with low-stress jobs. Previous studies that have looked for a connection between stress and heart problems have had mixed results. But the authors of this study, which was published online by The Lancet, are confident in their results because of the unprecedented size of the study. However, they won’t go so far as to draw a cause-and-effect conclusion because the study was purely observational. NPR has more.

• Pack on a few pounds lately? You might have your gut microbes to blame, according to this study.

• Dig this: A workplace yoga routine called Centeredbeing that can help you destress at the office in minutes. I’m totally trying it this week—who’s with me?