FROM OUR SPONSOR: The Importance of Preventive Care

By Andie Rowe, EdM, CWP
UnitedHealthcare Regional Health and Wellness Director
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—right? This old adage can be especially true when it comes to preventive health care. Maintaining or improving your health is important—and a focus on regular preventive care, while following the advice of your doctor, can help you stay healthy for years to come.
Schedule an appointment. Making an appointment for a preventive health visit can help you establish the baseline for your current health and identify any issues before they potentially grow serious. Preventive screenings can help you and your doctor discuss care options and the types of tests you may need.
Prepare for your appointment. Make a list of any concerns you have, noting the most important ones first. Tell your doctor everything: your health history, medications you currently take, and any changes in your health including emergency room visits, appetite, weight, sleep, energy level, or any other symptoms.
Get involved. Giving and taking information can help you and your doctor develop a plan that’s right for you. Ask questions, plan ahead, and get moving towards a healthier life.